
What is the most streamed song on spotify of all time
What is the most streamed song on spotify of all time

what is the most streamed song on spotify of all time

The effect that streaming services have had on the music industry can even be viewed philosophically within the idea of cultural diffusion.

what is the most streamed song on spotify of all time

Insufferable older generations will bemoan the fleeting nature of “viral” hits, but it’s hard to argue against the notion that the whims of consumers have been inundated with a far greater range of options, with a subsequent lack of time to properly take it all in. A concept that began in the mid-to-late 1990s, as media became increasingly digital in format, has blossomed (or corroded, depending on your view) into the modern music landscape, where labels are less important than ever, and tastes are more widely dispersed.

what is the most streamed song on spotify of all time

Streaming services have revolutionised the way we all listen to music.

What is the most streamed song on spotify of all time